Image: Untitled Gallery | Window Installation | Illuminating the Wilderness | July 2020 | Charcoal on Fabriano
Illuminating the Wilderness
These works were selected from over twenty large scale drawings that were created during Illuminating the Wilderness, an installation, exhibition and residency at Tate Liverpool by Project Art Works as part of their EXPLORERS programme in 2019.
Huge plain paper banners were hung in the top floor galleries that were then populated to create a forest of drawings complimenting a film that featured an investigation of a wild and remote glen in the Scottish Highlands. The exhibition filled the top floor of Tate Liverpool with the film installed in the north gallery, the drawings in the central space and a bespoke workshop area constructed in the south gallery. During the residency Project Art Works collaborated with invited artist makers from Liverpool and Merseyside as well as public audiences to create the drawings and populate the installation.
The drawing workshops were open to everyone who visited the gallery, generating spontaneous and inclusive creative production. The resulting installation was a powerful demonstration of the levelling power of creative collaboration that we believe is central to building equality of representation in cultural institutions.

Image: Illuminating the Wilderness | Tate Liverpool | April 2019 | Charcoal on Fabriano
EXPLORERS was a three-year programme of holistic and creative collaborations led by neurodiverse communities, in partnership with six cultural organisations across the UK and in Australia funded by Arts Council England and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
During our time in Liverpool we were fortunate to work with the following organisations:
Thingwall Resource Centre, Moving On With Life And Learning (MOWLL), Natural Breaks, Person Centred Support (PSS), Options For Supported Living, Mencap Liverpool, Acorn Farm Day Services, Blue Room at The Bluecoat, People First Merseyside, Your Voice Your Choice, Oakfield Day Service, Active Community Enterprise, Steady Chefs.

Image: Illuminating the Wilderness | Tate Liverpool | April 2019 | Collaborative drawing workshop