Autumn window installation | Untitled Gallery.

Work on paper

Work on paper

Autumn window installation | Untitled Gallery.
Image: Untitled Gallery | Window Installation | Untitled by George Smith | October 2020 | Acrylic on Paper.
George Smith - Residency - The Observer Building.
George Smith has developed a highly focussed but relaxed way of using paint. Initially George was wholly absorbed by tactile processes and created large scale works using his hands as his main tools. More recently George works on mid scale canvases and paper using a brush to apply paint once in while throughout the day. He will often sit next to a piece for long periods of time before making a mark. But when this happens it appears highly spontaneous and unpressured by an over consideration of the result.
These works on paper, by George Smith, were created during Project Art Works' residency of The Observer Building in September 2020. Artists and makers used this opportunity to work safely alongside each other and experiment with new approaches to studio practice to inform the creative programme going forward. The residency formed part of our community story telling project, Untold Stories.
A selection of works on paper by George Smith are available to purchase in the shop.

Image: George Smith | The Observer Building | Hastings | September 2020